- Limited Edition Prints. In the past an edition of 25 was made in one run, the artist paid for them, and hoped to sell them all. These days they are printed one, or several at a time and the edition count is closely monitored by the printer and the artist to ensure the limit is not exceeded. This keeps costs down for everyone. I may have a print on hand, or I may have to get the printer to print yours. This means I could have it flying your way the day after I receive payment, or it may take up to a week to ship it (depending on the printer’s schedule). Contact for availability. I will try to send you an email notification with probable delivery time.
- Original artwork is best purchased by contacting the artist. Details of the art purchase and shipping can be worked out and personalized. If you wish to see additional photos of the artwork, or determine the exact size that can also be taken care of this way. Once the details are finalized, you will be invoiced through PayPal, with one payment for the art and shipping.
- Originals also take a bit more time to ship, mostly due to packaging requirements. Some originals require more work than others to package. Very large pieces have to be crated; pastels cannot be shipped with glass, but must have the surface protected from packaging materials to prevent damage. Pastels are gorgeous, but are more fragile, and require extra efforts to keep them safe.
- Every order is processed by me personally. If I am traveling, sick, or otherwise out of touch when your order comes in, there may be a delay in processing the order. There may be occasional times when I am not available by phone, or email. Be assured I will attend to your order as soon as possible.
- It is your option to have watercolors, or framed prints shipped with, or without glass. I recommend without glass, as it adds weight and increases the cost of shipping and there is a possibility the glass will get broken, possibly damaging the art (although I do my best to prevent this).